The BD BACTEC FX blood culture system
builds on the proven history of previous BD BACTEC instrumentation, with
advanced fluorescence detection technology, exceptional media performance and
instrument reliability—adding vial-activated workflow, advanced ergonomics,
blood culture observation. The easy-to-use workflow comes in a compact, modular
design, which can be adapted to multiple space- and time-saving configurations
for your laboratory staff.Superior patient care with leading microbial recovery
and time to detection uniquely combined with safe blood collection, the most
intuitive and innovative design and intelligent, cutting edge data management.
Superior efficiency in blood culture from specimen collection to actionable
results. With earlier detection and notification of positive blood cultures,
clinicians can more quickly implement optimal therapy.
The BACTEC™ FX blood culturing
instruments used with patented resin-containing media have shown higher rates
of organism recovery, allowing for proper diagnosis and treatment of
bloodstream infections.The FX utilizes the breadth of current media – from
Plus, and Lytic to PEDs and special media for yeast, fungi or mycobacteria
recovery – to support your different patient population and blood culture
needs. It is essential to choose the most effective antibiotic neutralization
system for maximum performance and superior patient care.
•Increased flexibility with the widest
range of blood culture media
• Highly sensitive, fluorescence
detection technology.
• Proven effective neutralization of a
wide variety of antimicrobials
• Vial activation- the instrument knows
from the user’s first action with a vial what the next step should be
• Enhanced visual indicators inside and
outside the drawers
• Barcode scanner on each unit for
improved accessibility/functionality
• Instant bottle and instrument status
• Computer touch screen on each stack
for vial management
• Blood culturing at the bench for
reduced work flow interruptions
• simplifying information access on
evening and night shifts
• Minimum maintenance and training
• The BACTEC™ FX Bottom instrument holds 400 vials.